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  • Writer's pictureChristine

What Have I Been Up To?

I don’t like to toot my own horn too much but when I think about all of the things I’ve accomplished since the end of mushroom season last year I’m kind of proud of myself. I’m also thankful to everyone that helped me learn and helped me accomplish things along the way.

I have collected two roadkill deer and processed them with help from Savannah and Liz. I have beaver in my freezer that I processed and have enjoyed eating thanks to Richard and Savannah, and to Paul for figuring out how to cook it. I have a new logo thanks to Alice. I have a website thanks to Israel and his willingness to deal with my constant requests. I now have an LLC. I found a new venue for NH MycoCamp and have sold more than half the tickets so far. I was hired to teach wild mushroom certification for Mushroom Mountain. I caught my first lake trout, 22”, fishing with Hugh’s guidance. I still need to order t-shirts and business cards but my point is I have a village that I love. There are so many more people in it than are mentioned here.

I brought up the deer and beaver and fish because foraging for animal protein is also a thing. In my state of NH you can add yourself to a deer strike list in your town and surrounding towns. A deer hit by a car is offered first to the driver, if they decline the PD then goes down the deer strike list calling to see who is available and wants the deer. Much of the time the damage is minimal and so the meat is perfect and fresh. Savannah has a refrigerated shed and Liz processed deer all hunting season for local hunters and they’ve been teaching me. The beaver are trapped legally for population control and if we didn’t eat them they would get tossed. Same with the roadkill deer. Yes other forest creatures could feed from the carcass but we are also meat eaters, it doesn’t go to waste, and it is much healthier than animals raised on corporate farms in horrendous conditions. We haven’t purchased meat from store since last fall. It’s so satisfying.

In other news, twice in two months I have opened the mailbox to find books with my mushroom pics published in them. It’s such an honor. Today it was Boletes of Eastern North American, by Alan Bessette, William Roody, and Arleen Bessette. When you’re new at mushrooms your books tend to have hundreds or even thousands of mushrooms that are completely different. When you get to a point in your learning where you need to focus on a specific group of mushrooms you start to collect the books about those groups, in this case boletes. Soon I will be posting my collection of mushrooms books here on the site. People are always asking what books they should get. So, coming soon… my books.

Upcoming events:

Wild Mushroom Certification Courses

NH MycoCamp 2024

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